Prayer reminds our students to keep Jesus as the center of their day, so prayer is interwoven throughout the school day. All members of our school community start each morning with a reading, a reflection question, and a prayer to Our Mother Mary over the PA system. In addition, each classroom recites prayer before lunch, after recess, and before dismissal. All students recite a decade of the rosary daily in tribute to the Blessed Mother.
We are blessed to have a small oratory located on the first floor of the school, where students and staff can spend a quiet moment in reflection or prayer, with a softly illuminated statue of our Blessed Mother. Beads and instructions are available to those who wish to pray the Chaplet of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
The Sacraments are a cornerstone within our school. Second grade students spend the school year preparing to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion. All students, who have previously received the sacraments, have an opportunity to receive reconciliation before the First Friday Mass each month, and during the seasons of Advent and Lent. In addition, students have an opportunity to receive the Eucharist during each school Mass.